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Wannabe Beauty Guru Newsletter #32

  Happy Monday! I had a wonderful weekend and it was largely thanks to YOU ! This weekend marked the first Sat. Locals Live , and we talked, and cried, while I numbed, and numbed some more! Then we talked so late I missed my treatment, lol. But while my neck suffered my heart was warmed with so much love, and support.   Thank you to all who joined in! ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Locals have at LEAST one hang out every month, you should should join! Next Locals Live Online Hang out is on Wed. Jan 24th. Join WBG Locals Here ­ ­ Regenovue PN is BACK IN STOCK Regenovue PN is BACK IN STOCK! I love this for how it repairs the skin and gives a beautiful healthy bounce to my face. Regenovue PN regenerates ECM (epidermal extracellular matrix) with polynucleotides, moisturizes the skin, gives it a clean and bright look and gives it a radiance. ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ Buy "Regenovue PN" Here And YES Code Jessica10 Saves you mo

Wannabe Beauty Guru Weekly Newsletter #18

  ­  ­ ­  ­  ­  ­  ­ ­  Happy Friday! Well this week I successfully had my  Daily Live Chat Yt Channel restored after it was falsely attacked and deleted. This has never happened before so I’m considering it a win and I’m very excited and hopeful that this is a sign that the Yt ai algorithm that the bad people are exploiting us getting better! If you havent  joined my  daily live chat channel  please do so here! Also this week every day I’m doing a give away on it, so since this is going out Friday you still have Saturday and Sunday to win! All you have to do is comment during the live and if your name is called email me with your address   Subscribe to New Daily Live Chat ­  ­ ­  ­  ­  ­  ­ ­  ­ New Blog Also for those if you who prefer the written word, ta da! I made a blog on my diy lip filler journey!  In this article I break down what I did, how I did it and what you’ll been to get the best lips of your life!   ­  ­ ­  ­  ­  ­  ­ ­  Read Blog Here ­ ­ Product List - NEW WEBSITE TO