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Wannabe Beauty Guru Weekly Newsletter #17

Well its been a week!


This week was filled with lots of great, well done treatments, the high of the Locals hang out followed promptly with the devastation of the loss of my daily live chat channel.


However we fight forward and over come, always. 
Through out the last 6 months I have pondered many times just what it is that I am supposed to learn from these attacks, I am someone who firmly believes everything happens for a reason. Now I know I don't deserve this (not that any of my collegues do either) but I believe everything happens for a reason. 


It was this week while talking to a few of you, my wonderful DIY Beauty Friends, that I think it finally clicked. I think I am supposed to learn preserverance. I think all this is making me stronger and better both as a diyer and a person. It makes me appreciate each of you even more and also appreciate the community that we have build and continue to expand. 


I can promise you that the attacks don't make me want to give up, they make me want to work harder, to be even more vocal about my love of diy, and to share my passion LOUDER!

So with that I am announcing that NEXT WEEK, DURING EVERY YOUTUBE LIVE THERE WILL BE A GIVE AWAY IN THE VIDEO! Sept. 25, 26, 27, 28, 29! 

You will be required to be present during the live to win!
I would do a count down and use my random scroll method to pick a winner. The winner will need to email me during the live to claim it, and advise their address for me to send it out!

Honestly I figured this would lift my spirits, since I love giving gifts! 
And I figured it would be a nice THANK YOU to YOU, those wonderful friends who keep liking new pages, commenting and sharing. I appreciate you!
Also since the channel is brand new, it should have fewer people in attendance making the odds of winning high for YOU :)


*I will be attempting to be starting my YOUTUBE lives next week between 10am and 11am Los Angeles time.

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A Live Stream Treatment You Might Have Missed

Using Cannula threads to prevent bruising. 

In all honesty cannula threads are not my favorite, mostly due to price and the fact that I am comfortable flushing bruises I don't find it necessary to spend the extra money. But my dear friend Billy accidently ordered some and asked for me to show her how I use them, so TO DA! Here's how I use them. 


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